Pirates and Hot dogs and Sponges- Oh My! is a Web-Log about the daily comings and goings of our apartment. It's about the things everyone else overlooks- the things they're afraid to tell you about. In short, it is real life. In your face!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

a long night of chasin some seal tail

its been too long and i figured the way to resuscitate this blog was to go to what we all know and love.
meet bruce and donovan:
here's our full convo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grsgucYpMyU

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Like a Moth to a Flame.....

I couldn't stay away. It's been awhile, and some of you may have been worried that the blog had died. Fear not! I have resuscitated the web log. In celebration of a new year of blogging, I present to you Pirates and Hot Dogs and Sponges- Oh My!'s Baby New Year:

More blogging to follow.