Pirates and Hot dogs and Sponges- Oh My! is a Web-Log about the daily comings and goings of our apartment. It's about the things everyone else overlooks- the things they're afraid to tell you about. In short, it is real life. In your face!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Day One

Today Al watched King of Queens, sang Enrique Iglesias (off key) and grew paranoid about people finding him on the internet.

Namrata put her whole hand in her mouth- just like babies! Maybe she is a baby.

We might eat spaghetti and homemade meatballs for dinner- will update later.

Namrata has an astigmatism so tomorrow she will go to the dmv and try to get a handicap plate for her car. She also looked for a Bust Buy online.

Al is the dirty police.

Lisa corrected Al.

Stay tuned for more breaking news

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